[INFO] Suggest a Juniel fanclub’s name here!! (will be sent to Juniel’s official fancafe)


Juniel official fancafe is now accepting suggestions for the fanclub name and we’ll compile all the names here and send to fancafe. Closing date for ideas: 7 December

  1. Sweethearts
  2. Princess
  3. PikaJuniel – Juniel’s Pikachu
  4. JunieLover – We are Juniel’s Lover.
  5. Everlasting June
  6. Junielism – Fan’s effect on Juniel
  7. Juneer
  8. Junielia – Juniel’s Familia
  9. Juove – Juniel + Love
  10. LoveJune – Love Juniel
  11. Panniel – Panini + Juniel
  12. Juvetar – Juniel Love Guitar
  13. JuneLove
  14. Harmonia – Greek god of harmony and concord
  15. Junielizers – We are the fertilizers of Juniel
  16. Junies
  17. JuST – Juniel the First
  18. Panini – We want to be her beloved guitar.
  19. Amico – Best Friend in French
  20. Traveler
  21. Junier – Juniel’s bunny dongsaeng
  22. Bunny – Juniel’s favourite animal
  23. Happniel – We want to see Happy Juniel.
  24. Yelliel – Yellow + Juniel
  25. L – Juniel are a combination of Junhee and L. Without L, there won’t be Juniel.

Lihat pos aslinya 51 kata lagi

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